Our Performance
This part of our website will explain how we are monitored by the Scottish Housing Regulator, how we monitor ourselves, and the statistics we produce to show our performance to our customers and our Board.
This part of our website will explain how we are monitored by the Scottish Housing Regulator, how we monitor ourselves, and the statistics we produce to show our performance to our customers and our Board.
Each year all Registered Social Landlords/Housing Associations submit data to the Scottish Housing Regulator outlining how we have performed in the previous year against a set of standards. These standards are detailed in the Scottish Social Housing Charter and are published by the Scottish Housing Regulator showing performance information across the sector.
Cloch sends all tenants an Annual Report each year which includes our “Report Card” highlighting our Charter Performance. You can view the most recent Report Card contained in our Annual Reviews. You can also view our complete ARC submission by visiting the Scottish Housing Regulator's website.
We use your service feedback to improve how we do things. Below are examples of feedback we've had from our tenants and how we've used this to improve our services.
You would like to hear more about our planned maintenance programme for the coming years. |
Our property team have worked to produce an article in the Spring edition of the newsletter to give you an update on what we’ve been working on and our plans for the coming year when it comes to our planned maintenance programme. |
The most popular method of receiving the survey was by text or email. |
We’ll send our newsletter via our digital platform to all tenants but have stated that if you require a paper copy of the newsletter, we can arrange for this to be sent. |
50.9% of tenants who responded to our Newsletter survey said they like the information we provided on energy-saving tips. |
We’ve put together an article in the Spring edition of the newsletter on Warmer Homes Scotland to give you more information, advice, and help when it comes to saving on your utility bills. |
You had concerns over the rise in the cost of living. | We gained funding from the National Lottery to issue warm goods at our Make Winter Warmer event. We secured funding from CVS to issue ALDI vouchers to help with food costs and we worked closely with the Wise Group to issue energy vouchers to support with the rising cost of utility bills. |
You'd be more likely to engage with our newsletters if they were available in digital form and sent to your mobile. | We invested in new survey engagement software to improve the quality of our engagement with you via surveys and newsletters sent direct to your mobile phone via push messaging. |
You'd be willing to wait a little longer to get through to us provided there was more chance of you being able to speak with the right person who could resolve your query. | We changed our telephone system to ensure more calls are being handled by our Customer Support Team and we've seen an increase in calls handled by the team at first point of contact. (increased from 80% handled to over 95%) |
Every 3 years, Cloch sets out its key visions and objectives for the next 3 years. This is set out in our Business Plan. Our Previous Business Plan was reviewed this year by our Board and staff. The Plan was refreshed following the consultations and then approved by our Board.
Our new updated Business Plan is from 2023 to 2026. In this, there are the key indicators of what we plan to do.
Calls Handled by Customer Connections Team | 4782 |
Average Call Wait Time when Calling Cloch | 40s |
Percentage of Calls Answered | 96.35% |
Percentage of Telephone Messages Responded to within the timescale of one working day |
97.90% |
Tenants with a MyCloch account | 994 |
Tenants regsitered for Paper Free Communication | 533 |
Number of Visits to MyCloch | 2322 |
Number of Complaints Received | 54 |
Complaints Responded to on time | 100% |
Compliments Received | 42 |
Number of emergency Repairs Completed | 95 |
Average completion time for Emergency Repairs (Hours) | 1.56 hours |
Number of Non-emergency Repairs Completed | 1378 |
Average completion time for Non-emergency Repairs (Days) | 4 days |
Repairs completed Right First Time | 93% |
Tenants Satisfied with Cloch's Repair Service | 83.8% |
Percentage of new tenants satisfied with the condition of thier home. | 83.4% |
Number of applicants who refused a property after viewing it | 3 |
Number of households registered on the common housing register | 3900 |
Number of new tenancies | 28 |
Homeless Families housed | 8 |
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