
Cloch Housing Association is a registered social landlord with the Scottish Housing Regulator.  We are also a Scottish Charity registered with OSCR.  These two facts mean that Cloch's governance (the accountability and the way it runs itself) is regulated and checked on an annual basis. Housing Associations have a set of rules that set out the basic structure of how it is governed. 

The Scottish Housing Regulator requires the Association to return an Annual Return on the Charter (ARC) and these are governed by the Regulatory Framework set out by the SHR.  Also, they require that we submit an Annual Assurance Statement every year outlining how effective we are at applying good practice to the standards set out in the Charter.

Business Plan

Every 3 years, Cloch sets out its key vision, objectives, and priorities for the next 3 years and this is detailed within our Business Plan. Our latest Business Plan was refreshed early in 2023 and approved by our Board and Staff in April 2023. 

Our new updated Business Plan is for the period 2023 to 2026 and it highlights the key areas of focus for Cloch over this period.

To achieve the objectives outlines in the Business Plan, there are several key plans and strategies (and a policy schedule) that support the delivery of our business objectives and examine the impact each will have on the business: 

Key Plans and Strategies

We will be looking to actively add the above documents, where we can, in the table below: 

People Strategy
Customer Involvement Strategy
Equalities & Diversity Strategy

Our Performance

Most Governance and Performance are driven by the voluntary Board and our Leadership Team.  They are responsible for reporting statistics and ensuring the association complies with all the regulations. A breakdown of some of our key performance information is available on Our Performance page. This includes our Annual Report and Annual Return to the Charter (ARC) submission to the Scottish Housing Regulator. 

Board Agendas, Minutes, and Reports

Cloch is governed by a Board that meets a minimum of 8 times a year.  We have Standing Orders that govern how the Board conduct themselves at meetings.

As well as this, the Board can volunteer for one or two of the following sub-committees:

  • Finance & Corporate Services 
  • Housing & Property Services

Below are the Agendas and Minutes from Board Meetings starting from 6th August 2019.  It is not our intention to upload before this date, however, if you wish a copy of either from an earlier date, please contact us.  If you wish to see any of the Reports mentioned in the Agenda, please contact us.

Available Papers

Board Agendas



Board Minutes



Finance & Corporate Services Sub-Committee Agendas, and Minutes

Available Papers

F&CS Sub Agenda

Past Years

Housing & Property Services Sub-Committee Agendas, and Minutes

Available Papers

H&PS Sub Agenda

File Description File Size
2024-03-12 H&PS March Sub Agenda PDF icon 132KB

Past Years

H&PS Sub Minutes

File Description File Size
2024-03-12 H&PS March Sub Minutes PDF icon 8MB
Past Years